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The members of the Searcher object are seen in Table 1. The Searcher object can do more than just search for updates on the server it can also query the history, get the history count, and do other things. The line of the ListSoftwareUpdates.ps1 script that creates the Searcher object is seen here: $Searcher = New-Object -ComObject We store the returned Searcher object ( IUpdateSearcher interface) in the $Searcher variable. We do not need to surround the program ID of the COM object in quotation marks because the –ComObject parameter already expects a string. To do this, we use the New-Object cmdlet with the –ComObject parameter.

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The script begins by creating a COM object. $Results = $Searcher.Search("Type='Software'") The complete ListSoftwareUpdates.ps1 script is seen here. The Windows PowerShell getting started page has basic information for learning about Windows PowerShell and about downloading Windows PowerShell.įor a VBScript version of the ListSoftwareUpdates.ps1 script, check the Script Center Script Repository. For information about manually configuring Windows Update on workstations, refer to this page. There is also a good collection of VBScripts that use the Windows Update API in the Script Center Script Repository.

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The Windows Update API is documented on MSDN. This week we will be looking at using the Windows Update API to work with Windows Update. I just prefer the three-line version for readability.) (Actually, I can write the script in a single line. We will call the script, ListSoftwareUpdates.ps1, and I can write that script in three lines. What you decide to do with such a list is up to you.

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Anyway, we can certainly create a script that will return all the software updates from the Windows Update Web site. Why? Well, I do not want to be like a lot of people who might say, “Why would you want to do that?” I figure, hey, you are an adult (perhaps) and if you want to do something, go ahead and do it if you wish. ” Like the interplay between the light and the shadows that enthralled the Impressionists, these are the kinds of questions that I hate to get sometimes. Incidentally, I love the Impressionists, who were as it turns out named after a Claude Monet painting “Impression, soleil levant de retour. Do you have a script that will tell me which software updates are available via Windows Update? If I could see the list, then I would understand better what is really going on. I like having a better handle on things than this. It is like some kind of Impressionist painting that suggests things, but I never really get a feel for the updates that are coming down or the ones that are available. Hey, Scripting Guy! I am curious about the updates that are available from Windows Update.

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